Let's keep the DK1 supported together!
With newer models of the Oculus Rift being released the DK1 is slowly being forgotten. Here at DylNET we wish to offer an aftercare service that will allow DK1 owners to obtain firmware, applications and compatible games, with your help we believe making the DK1 more supported is not an impossible journey.
DK1 Applications and Games
Works well on both runtime 0.7 and 0.8. Run as Administrator otherwise application will crash!
(Also tested and works on the DK1) Use SteamVR as well as Runtime 0.8 to get this to work, Java is also required.
Works on the DK1 when using Runtime 0.8. Not tested on 0.7 or any older version. Run as Administrator otherwise application will crash!
Works well on both runtime 0.7 and 0.8, mouse may lag as the application loads, this is normal and will resume to normal speed when finished loaded
Works on runtime 0.6 or above. Run as Administrator otherwise the program will crash!